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Microservices vs. Monolithic Architecture

Microservices vs. Monolithic Architecture

Why would you neeused Microservices Architecture?

Microservices Architecture


  • although “additional complexity”, it is alternative, different kind of “complexity”
  • when something breaks, “monolith” breaks as a whole
  • A service in a microservices architecture is small, responsibilities are minimal, the overall complexity is bounded (restricted)
  • if service becomes overly complex and polluted over time, it is easy to refactor it into possibly few services, than to refactor huge monolith into another cleaner monolith
  • The microservices architecture isolates complexity, allowing for smaller, more agile teams to create a service
  • “two-pizza teams”, where the entire team — leaders and all — can be fed with only two pizza pies
  • microservices architecture is flexible: individual services allow for a variety of platforms, languages, and tools to be used because these choices affect only a small team at one time
  • You can rapidly make changes and build and release updates, and as long as Public APIs (or inputs and outputs) aren’t affected, developers can move fast without breaking things


  • many moving parts (services) add extra complexity
  • Compare smaller Public API of monolithic transactional “buy book” method with parameters “user” and “book”, with three-service non-transactional Public APIs with 1st method “reserve funds”, 2nd one “reserve book”, and 3rd “commit transaction and notify user”

Monolithic Architecture

  • updates and releases become slow and painful
  • over time, software tends to grow in complexity, it becomes “monster”
  • monoliths are hard to scale: often one part of the monolith is particularly resource intensive
  • no options to scale an individual part of the monolith
  • most monoliths cannot be even replicated (Oracle Cluster vs. Master-Slave architecture)